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Commercial Disc mills


Grade 2 Posho Mills

Engine Posho mills

Sifted Flour Mills.




Roller Mill 300kg/hr
Roller Mill+ Pre-Crusher, manual return 300kg/hr
Automated Roller Mill+ Pre-Crusher 400kg/hr
Automatic Polisher/Huller, Pre-crusher, roller mill 400kg/hr
Automatic sifted maize mill comprising of pre-cleaner, huller/polisher, crusher and roller mill, rotating screen sifter with fully automatic return 400kg/hr
Automatic sifted maize mill comprising of pre-cleaner, huller/polisher, crusher and 2 roller mills, rotating screen sifter with fully automatic return 800kg/hr
Fully Automatic sifted maize mill comprising of pre-cleaner, huller/polisher, crusher and 3 roller mills, rotating screen sifter with fully automatic return 1200kg/hr

A 12 month warranty ensures uninterrupted operation – your qualified maintenance technicians are only a phone call away.

Price is inclusive of delivery to the nearest town and installation within 14 days!!

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Grade 1 Sifted Flour Mills are usually a combination of various components that use the Roller technology to produce high quality sifted flour. It is argued that the shelf-life of this flour is much longer than that of meal produced by traditional mills as a result of the removal of the germ.

With machines that semi-hull and separates the maize germ and husks, the NME sifted flour mills are trusted and have been recommended by clients across the country. Our Sifted Flour Mills are comprised of:


  • Pre-cleaner/ destoner:The maize is cleaned to remove foreign matter of vegetable, animal and mineral origin by screening and aspiration. A magnet is included in the screening operation to remove metal fragments. A de-stoner (wet and dry) may be used, but is offered as an optional component of the mill.
  • Moistening Screw/Temper Mill:The grain must next be tempered before it enters the de-germing system. The objects of tempering are to:

: Loosen the grain

:Moisten the maize germ to make it easier for separation.

:Loosen and harden the bran to make it easier for removal in large pieces.

:Moisten the endosperm for milling.

  • Maize Huller:  Remove the outer husks and any material adhering to the grains to increase product quality.
  • Crusher: Crushes the product and prepare it for milling. The crushed product improves flow and reduces power consumption.
  • Roller Mill: end-mills the final product. The mill rollers are fabricated out of high quality steel for a long service life and designed to output a high quality product.
  • A multi-stage screen: Separates the various products.
Roller Mill 300kg/hr
Roller Mill+ Pre-Crusher, manual return 300kg/hr
Manual Roller Mill+ Pre-Crusher+Huller/Polisher 400kg/hr
Automatic Polisher+ Pre-cleaner+ Pre-Crusher+ Roller Mill 400kg/hr
Automatic sifted maize mill comprising of pre-cleaner, huller/polisher, crusher and roller mill, rotating screen sifter with fully automatic return 600kg/hr
Automatic sifted maize mill comprising of pre-cleaner, huller/polisher, crusher and 2 roller mills, rotating screen sifter with fully automatic return 800kg/hr
Fully Automatic sifted maize mill comprising of pre-cleaner, huller/polisher, crusher and 3 roller mills, rotating screen sifter with fully automatic return 1200kg/hr

A 12 month warranty ensures uninterrupted operation – your qualified maintenance technicians are only a phone call away.

Price is inclusive of delivery to the nearest town and installation within 7 days!!

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Roller Mill, 5hp, Roller Mill, 7.5hp, Roller Mill, 10hp, Roller Mill+ Pre-Crusher, manual return(300kg/hr), Automated Roller mill & crusher 400kg/h, Manual Roller Mill+ Pre-Crusher+Huller/Polisher(300kg/hr), Automatic Polisher/Huller+Pre-crusher+ Roller mill(400kg/hr), Automatic sifted maize mill comprising of pre-cleaner, huller/polisher, crusher and 1 roller mill, rotating screen sifter with fully automatic return(600kg/hr), Automatic sifted maize mill comprising of pre-cleaner, huller/polisher, crusher and 2 roller mills, rotating screen sifter with fully automatic return(800kg/hr), Fully Automatic sifted maize mill comprising of pre-cleaner, huller/polisher, crusher and 3 roller mills, rotating screen sifter with fully automatic return(1200kg/hr)

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